Dk Nur Reem Rashah Pg Mohammad Apri (0336605)
Publishing Design 
Final Project Compilation


Project 1
Project 2
Final project


Book mock-up
Fig 1. Book mock-up sizes

Fig 2. Book mock-up outcome

Fig 3. Book mock-up outcome (Staple binding 1/2)

Fig 4. Book mock-up outcome (Staple binding 2/2)

Van De Graff Grid

Fig 5. Pencil rough sketch on A3 paper - Van De Graff Grid 

Fig 6. Van De Graff grid create via InDesign

Folding system
Fig 7.  Folding system exercise (1/2)

 Fig 8. Folding system exercise (2/2)


Fig 9. Margin exercise (1/7)

Fig 10. Margin exercise (2/7)

Fig 11. Margin exercise (3/7)

Fig 12. Margin exercise (4/7)

Fig 13. Margin exercise (5/7)

Fig 14. Margin exercise (6/7)

Fig 15. Margin exercise (7/7)

Fig 16. Margin used for the book example (1/3)

Fig 17. Margin used for the book example (2/3)

Fig 18. Margin used for the book example (3/3)

Written Content


Fig 19. Moodboard visual compilation

Fig 20. Reading book

Fig 21. Reading newspaper

Fig 22. Portrait

Fig 23. Close up

Fig 24. Friends

Fig 25. Phone

Fig 26. Decorative elements

Fig 27. Palm leaf

Fig 28. Blossom buds

Fig 29. Cover background

Fig 30. Cat

Fig 31. Cover foreground



Pg. 1-2

Pg. 3-4

Pg. 5-6

Pg. 7-8

Pg. 9-10

Pg. 11-12

Pg. 13-14

Pg. 15-16

Pg. 17-18

Pg. 19-20

Pg. 21-22

Thumbnails (spreads)

Animated Visuals

Fig 32. Cover

Fig 33. Phone (1/1)

Fig 34. Phone (2/2)

Fig 35. Friends

Fig 36. Portrait

Fig 37. Close-up

Fig 38. Reading

Fig 39. Cat


Fig 40. Home button

Fig 41. Contents button

Fig 42. Buttons on master page (InDesign)

Fig 43. Buttons on the e-book

Final Submission

Finalised Printed Book

Printed Book Thumbnails
Thumbnails (1/3)

Thumbnails (2/3)

Thumbnails (3/3)

Printed Book PDF


Pg. 1-2

Pg. 3-4

Pg. 5-6

Pg. 7-8
Pg. 9-10

Pg. 11-12

Pg. 13-14

Pg. 15-16

Pg. 17-18

Pg. 19-20

Pg. 21-22

Pg. 23-24

Pg. 25-26


Online E-Book (iPad)


E-Book (Pg. 1)
E-Book (Pg. 2)

E-Book (Pg. 3)

E-Book (Pg. 4)

E-Book (Pg. 5)

E-Book (Pg. 6)

E-Book (Pg. 7)

E-Book (Pg. 8)

E-Book (Pg. 9)

E-Book (Pg. 10)

E-Book (Pg. 11)

E-Book (Pg. 12)

E-Book (Pg. 13)

E-Book (Pg. 14)

E-Book (Pg. 15)

E-Book (Pg. 16)

E-Book (Pg. 17)

E-Book (Pg. 18)

E-Book (Pg. 19)

E-Book (Pg. 20)

E-Book (Pg. 21)

E-Book (Pg. 22)

E-Book PDF

Link to EPUB



I noticed that this module really opened my eyes towards various different illustration styles that my fellow classmates were able to showcase. This truly did inspire me and reminded me to try to experiment further with my own style in the future. Hence, I was able to become open-minded in terms of this area.


I felt that this module was quite challenging as it is immensely demanding in terms of workload and discipline is really needed to ensure that you do complete the module with ease. Regardless of the challenges faced, this module was able to give me many learning opportunities for me to further grow and become more familiar with newer forms of design.


I found that there are more things to really consider when creating a layout for publishing purposes. When I first showcased my layout draft for the first project, there were so many things for me to change and I knew from then that there will be a lot of things to learn in terms of publishing design. I'm thankful that Mr. Vinod was patient enough to guide me through this module.


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