27/08/19 - 17/09/19 (Week 1 - 4)
Dk Nur Reem Rashah Pg Mohammad Apri (0336605)
Publishing Design 


Lecture 1: Introduction to Module

For our first lecture, we were introduced to the module outlines through a quick overview of the module information booklet (MIB). We were also instructed to bring the necessary tools and utensils for the next following classes.

Lecture 2: Formats

This lecture focused on the different variations of formats for publishing design. 



Book mock-up (Week 2)

In this exercise, we were instructed to consider the different sizes for our booklets, which should not be bigger than A4 size or smaller than A5 size. After deciding on one of our preferred size for our book, we went on to carefully measure where to bind the book by stapling and then cut the paper using a cutter.

Fig 1. Book mock-up sizes

Fig 2. Book mock-up outcome

Fig 2. Book mock-up outcome (Staple binding 1/2)

Fig 3. Book mock-up outcome (Staple binding 2/2)

Van De Graff Grid (Week 3)

For this week's exercise, we were instructed to create the Van De Graaff grid. We used A3 paper to do this. This is done to introduce to us to the possible outcomes for our grid systems that we can possibly use later on.

Fig 4. Pencil rough sketch on A3 paper - Van De Graff Grid 

Fig 5. Van De Graff grid create via InDesign

Folding system (Week 3)

The next exercise is where we were instructed to fold an A3 paper three times and write down the number of the pages (page 1-16). Afterwards, we were enlightened on how the printing system (CMYK) functioned.

Fig 6. Folding system exercise (1/2)

Fig 7. Folding system exercise (2/2)

Margins (Week 4)
Fig 8. Margin exercise (1/7)

Fig 9. Margin exercise (2/7)

Fig 10. Margin exercise (3/7)

Fig 11. Margin exercise (4/7)

Fig 12. Margin exercise (5/7)

Fig 13. Margin exercise (6/7)

Fig 14. Margin exercise (7/7)


Week 2:

Generally, Mr. Vinod instructed that we should finalise our written content by this week in order for us to be able to proceed with our visuals (it was suggested that our visuals do not necessarily have to be detailed). Otherwise, Mr. Vinod told us that we should also finalise our sub-text and pull quotes so that it'll be easier for us to have an idea for our visuals as we can refer back to these sub-texts and quotes.

Week 3:

We were instructed that we would mainly be doing digital exercise next week. Hence, we need to bring materials like paper, rulers, and cutters.



I noticed that I wasn't quite sure about what topic I should choose for this the final project as there were so many options to choose from.


I was quite nervous once we have been briefed about the module as it is a whole new different area of design that we have yet to be familiar with.


I found that I was a bit behind from the others as the uncertainties of my work got in the way of my progress.


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