Dk Nur Reem Rashah Pg Mohammad Apri (0336605)
Minor Project


Lecture 1: Module Briefing (14/04/2020)

Mr. Mike had briefed us on what to expect for this module, presenting the MIB content in a nutshell along with the weekly schedule, the Minor Project rubric and giving out further information on the given assignments. Otherwise, Mr. Mike had also discussed the collaboration with the Computing school and allocated us into groups. Moreover, we were given a mini exercise where we are assigned to answer questions regarding Design Innovation.




Weekly Schedule


Questions (14/04/2020)

1. Please describe what is Design Innovation based on the article, "What is Design Innovation? by Alex Obenauer". Please cite some examples to elaborate on your observations. (Article)

Based on the article, 'design innovation' is the progressive journey whereby that a certain product will be innovated smartly and considerately in regards to its primary purpose/function in order for it to be feasible and accessible towards the intended user. To expand on this further, what makes a good design innovation depends on whether it is "iterative", its "context" is taken into consideration, empathizes on the problems users face, and has reasonable intentions behind every component made as it strives towards problem-solving "goals."

2. Please watch this documentary about Design Disruptors and write a short essay about what are Design Disruptors with cited examples. Blog it and provide the URL in the text box below for me to access. (Video 1/Video 2)

The documentary, 'Design Disruptors', offers an insightful perspective to the viewers in terms of unveiling the inner workings of designers as a collective. It brings forth the ideology that designers have a crucial role in this constant cycle of design innovation to bring about better solutions each time as the world of business and technology progresses. Dantley Davis shares that in the past, companies would have asked the designers "how to execute a given solution, but now designers are actually asked to be a part of defining what the solution is from the beginning." This shows that people are only starting to realize that designers are problem solvers to everyday issues that people face. Hence, the documentary focuses on giving out a thought-provoking outlook on design which concludes that through design innovation, designers help humanity to elevate the standards of living by creating products that help make life much easier for almost everyone.

Otherwise, the documentary also breaks down the design process for the viewers. In a nutshell, the designers will go through five main stages whereby the designer will first attempt to understand the issues faced and empathize with the concerns of the people. Secondly, the designers will then diverge and try to find new pathways with the aim to find a solution to the problem. Thirdly, the designer will then decide on which path they think is the most suitable. Subsequently, they will create prototypes to further test out their chosen solution. Lastly, the end product will then have to be validated to be the rightful solution to the issue faced.

Moreover, the documentary also educates the viewers that design is an essential aspect of human life as it has been for many decades. It was suggested that design innovation was realized to be important when Ford invented the assembly line in 1913, along with aviation failures that led to design becoming a solution. Personally, it had never clicked that these historical events would ever have a correlation with design. Though that is why this documentary was essentially made, to educate people further about the unthinkable in regards to the design world.


Project Title: 'Cyberview MVP Farmers' (MVP - Cyberjaya Farmer's Market)
Project Summary: "Project is to create a portal or mobile app MVP that helps to manage a farmers market management. The function of the app is to manage booking of lots, assignment to lot space, pricing, payment, event highlights, pre-bookings, delivery, and promotion management to customers."
Group Name: Azure
Group Members: Vedha Vania (Leader), Tamara Audrey, Felicia Isabell, Rashah Apri (Me)

Design outcomes I've done:

Initial Drafts:
Initial Stylescape

Revised Stylescape

Revised Logo

EDM - Draft (1/3)

EDM - Draft (2/3)

EDM - Draft (3/3)

Facebook Ad (1/5)

Facebook Ad (2/5)

Facebook Ad (3/5)

Facebook Ad (4/5)

Facebook Ad (5/5)

Final Outcomes:

EDM Layout
EDM (1/7)

EDM (2/7)

EDM (3/7)

EDM (4/7)

EDM (5/7)

EDM (6/7)

EDM (7/7)

Facebook News Feed Ads

Facebook News Feed Ad - Ver. 1 (1/6)

Facebook News Feed Ad - Ver. 1 (2/6)

Facebook News Feed Ad - Ver. 1 (3/6)

Facebook News Feed Ad - Ver. 1 (4/6)

Facebook News Feed Ad - Ver. 1 (5/6)

Facebook News Feed Ad - Ver. 1 (6/6)

Facebook News Feed Ad - Ver. 2 (1/8)

Facebook News Feed Ad - Ver. 2 (2/8)

Facebook News Feed Ad - Ver. 2 (3/8)

Facebook News Feed Ad - Ver. 2 (4/8)

Facebook News Feed Ad - Ver. 2 (5/8)

Facebook News Feed Ad - Ver. 2 (6/8)

Facebook News Feed Ad - Ver. 2 (7/8)

Facebook News Feed Ad - Ver. 2 (8/8)

Facebook Right Column Ads

Right Column Ad (1/13)

Right Column Ad (2/13)

Right Column Ad (3/13)

Right Column Ad (4/13)

Right Column Ad (5/13)

Right Column Ad (6/13)

Right Column Ad (7/13)

Right Column Ad (8/13)

Right Column Ad (9/13)

Right Column Ad (10/13)

Right Column Ad (11/13)

Right Column Ad (12/13)

Right Column Ad (13/13)

*Facebook Ads, sources - images: Freepik.com

Instagram Carousel Postings

Instagram Carousel Posting 1 (1/3)

Instagram Carousel Posting 1 (2/3)

Instagram Carousel Posting 1 (3/3)

Instagram Carousel Posting 2 (1/3)

Instagram Carousel Posting 2 (2/3)

Instagram Carousel Posting 2 (3/3)

Instagram Carousel Posting 3 (1/3)

Instagram Carousel Posting 3 (2/3)

Instagram Carousel Posting 3 (3/3)


Week 1
We met with the IT members that we will be collaborating with for this project.  So far, it seems that the effort to collaborate coming from both sides of the team match up in terms of making sure there is good communication based on our first interaction as well as the quick process of scheduling the first meeting session. I hope we continue to make good progress along the way.

Week 2
Once we have consulted with the client, it changed our initial vision for the project. Though, we were able to adapt quickly as the computing students helped us through understanding the whole concept of the project. Hence, instead of an app intended for consumers, we will have to focus on designing a portal/website catered for the vendors.

Week 3
For this week, it was evident that there was a miscommunication in terms of understanding what the project should really be. We needed to confirm whether this project will be limited to the EasyStore templates. After consulting with the IT students, they will not be using EasyStore templates and it will actually be an entirely new system (the web portal). Otherwise, we still need to hear from the client whether they want a rebranding or implement a creative brand strategy to promote this site to their current/possible vendors.

Week 4
It was suggested that we should prepare a variety of possible outcomes for the client in terms of the mood board for the brand identity. We also needed to ensure that we do offer a rationale towards the finalised outcome in order for the client to understand our approach towards CFM’s identity.

Week 5
 After showing our progress on our four stylescapes. It was suggested that we needed to choose at least one of the four stylescapes that was best suited for CFM’s identity, which ended up being the fourth one.

Week 6
We decided to combine two stylescapes together in order to incorporate a more varied colour scheme (rather than keeping the colours too neutral, we have orange and blue as accent colours). Hence, we finalised on the stylescape and we shall continue on to working on the promotional strategy for the portal along with the proposal presentation.

Week 7
Mr. Mike advised us to not use illustrations for the EDM but instead focus on incorporating a photography-based style that was shown in the stylescape.

Week 8
After the proposal to our client, we had to ensure to change the logo in terms of getting rid of the textures such as the lines, dots, and the human figure. Otherwise, there were also some small changes that needed to be done for the IA and wireframes.

Week 9
We learned that the identity proposed for CFM may not be accurate as it only represents the farming side of the Farmer’s Market. We have to be inclusive with the other types of vendors that are a part of CFM such as the bakers, woodworkers, etc. Otherwise, we can improve further on the promotional strategy once the client gives us the analytics needed.

Week 10
We need to search for additional events that CFM may provide as reference for the EDMs that are going to feature information about these festive/seasonal events. Moreover, we need to decide the total amount of ads for each platform proposed.

Week 11
After confirming the total amount of ads, we have a plan sheet to organise each of our progress. Everything was progressing smoothly. The only concern is for the logo to be approved to enable us to quickly change the logo on all of the finished work.

Week 12
So far, there are only some minor adjustments needed to be made. We are quickly progressing as we are almost complete with our promotional strategy outcomes. Now, we just need to decide on the presentation flow for our final presentation to the client.

Week 13
We have received good feedback on our design outcomes. We just need to ensure that we increase the size of the images on the slides in order to avoid too many photos collaged in each slide. It is important to note that we need to notify the client that some of the photos need to be attributed, though all the photos are free to use.

Week 14
We've completed our project and have presented our slides. Our work have received good feedback from both our client and Mr. Mike.

Final Presentation Slides:


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