15/05/2019 (Week 7 - Week 11)
Dk Nur Reem Rashah Pg Mohammad Apri (0336605)
Design Research Methodology
Research Implementation

Lecture 7: Data Collection - Primary & Secondary
15/06/2019 (Week 8)

Notes #1:

Notes #2:




Research Implementation - Slides:

First draft:

Final draft:

Data collection and analysis - Slides:

Focus Group Implementation:

Fig 1. Participants (from left to right): Zoe Wong, Lee Yu Hui, Joseph Chua and Ian Chew Ze Han

Fig 2. Participants interacting with concept picture books

Fig 3. Participants interacting with pop-up picture books



Ms Jinchi mentioned that I  needed to add in my research problem, questions and objectives into my first slide for my research implementation slides. It was also advised to define what the strength of conducting visual analysis and why is it suitable for this research. I need to specify the amount along with the selection of which picture books will be included for this research. I also need to explain the reasoning behind choosing the selection of picture books. Some references are to be made in terms of the factors that will be investigated for this research. I also need to change ‘participant interview’ to ‘focus group interviews’. Cite the reasoning behind the standard age group. Determine who, when, where and how long will this research be conducted to ensure that a sufficient amount of data will be collected.


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