Dk Nur Reem Rashah Pg Mohammad Apri (0336605)
Packaging and Merchandising Design
Project 2


Project 2

Initial rough drafts

These are the initial drafts in response to the ideas that were shared by the science students.

Initial Rough Draft 1: Malvino mentioned that he would prefer if we were able to do a gradient concept with the preferred colours: pink and blue.

Fig 1. Initial Rough Draft 1

Initial Rough Draft 2:

My partner, Sangeetha, wanted to have a geometric, shapes centric concept were it can be a contemporary design to reflect the target audience.

Fig 2. Initial Rough Draft 1

Feedback: Mr. Shamsul said that it's a good start, however, it doesn't imply to the audience that it is a yogurt drink. We'll need a more well-suited bottle along with some realistic visuals as food/beverage products will preferably have the real images of the food/ingredients on the packaging.

Further Progression
Fig 3. SYNYO logo done by Sangeetha

Fig 4. Draft 1

Fig 5. Draft 2

Fig 6. Draft 3

Fig 7. Revisioned Draft 3 after consulting with Sangeetha

Fig 8. Draft 1 Mockup

Fig 9. Draft 1 Mockup

Fig 10. Draft 2 Mockup

Fig 11, Draft 2 Mockup

Fig 12. Draft 3 Mockup

Fig 13. Draft 3 Mockup
Chosen draft 1

Chosen draft 2

Further Revisions after Malvino and Joshua chose the preferred design

Revisioned Draft 1 (Front)

Revisioned Draft 1 (Back)

Adding 'Calories Per Serving' label

Change of bottle

Mockup 1

Mockup 2

Bottle sticker label

Front (Standing)





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