14/1/19-15/2/19 (Week 2-Week 6)
Dk Nur Reem ; Pg Mohammad Apri (0336605)
Information Design
Project 1 (1A & 1B) + Final Project



Lecture 3: Miller's Law (Chunking)

17/1/19 (Week 2)

We did another group presentation on FLIP Topic 3: Miller's Law on Chunking.

Slides for FLIP Topic 3 - Miller's Law:

Lecture 4: Isometric Design (As A Good Design Practice)

29/1/19 (Week 4)

For this lecture, we did a presentation on FLIP topic 4: Isometric Design.

Slides for FLIP Topic 4 - Isometric Design:



Project 1: Instructable Infographics (Recipe)

1A: Recipe Poster

14/1/19 (Week 2)

For this project, I decided to look for recipes that I would be most familiar with. I decided on searching for 'Breakfast Burrito' recipes.

I ended up using my sister's recipe.

  • Diced bell peppers
  • Diced avocado
  • Sliced onions
  • Cilantro
  • Chipotle sauce
  • Scrambled egg
I also decided to add instructions on how to fold a burrito into the infographics
  • Place your desired filling on one side of a warm tortilla.
  • Tuck in two ends of the tortilla.
  • Fold up the bottom flap while pressing the filling inside.
  • Roll tightly until you've reached the end of the tortilla.
  • Finished - Ready to serve
I wanted to make my poster to be understandable to the audience by making it more visual reliant rather than relying on words. Hence, the instructions on how to fold a burrito will mostly be translated through visual elements.

I also decided to apply 'chunking' as a principle for my infographic poster by separating each information by panels. This can be seen through the use of color for each panel background.

Fig 1. Design process - Using Adobe Illustrator 

Fig 2. Final outcome: Recipe Infographic Poster - Breakfast Burrito

1B: Recipe Video

27/2/19 (Week 4)

Subsequently, we were instructed to do an animated video based on the poster.


Project 2: Compare and Contrast - Animated Infographics

9/1/19- 25/1/19 (Week 1- Week 3)

Chosen topic: Ice Desserts - Bingsu vs Ais Kacang

Group Members + Roles given: 

Azmina (Leader) - Illustration, Animation, Scriptwriting
Rashah (Me) - Illustration, Animation, Scriptwriting, Voice-over
Angeline - Illustration
Nicole - Illustration
Lungga - Animation

For this week, we discuss contrasting/comparing topics that are commonly debated within social groups. But we also tried to discuss interesting ones that haven't been commonly talked about.

Some examples we thought of are:
  • English Language: American vs British
  • Feeling depressed vs Having Depression
  • New York City vs London
  • Apple vs Android
  • Ancient Rome vs Ancient Greek
  • Art vs Design
  • Ice gola vs Shaved ice
  • Cheese naan vs Pizza
Firstly, we decided to confirm on one topic by voting. Most votes went to 'Ice Gola vs Shaved Ice', so we decided to choose this topic. After getting feedback, we decided to change the topic to Bingsu vs Ais Kacang in order to be more specific and make it relatable to the local community here.

Slides - 5W's and 1H points:


Revising the monologue:

llustrations by me:

Fig 1.0  Korean Bingsu picture

Fig 1.1 ABC picture

Fig 1.2 Oreo

Fig 1.3 Red bean

Fig 1.4 Melon ball

Fig 1.5 Mango cubes

Fig 1.6 Matcha bingsu

Fig 1.7 Oreo bingsu

Fig 1.8 Chocolate bingsu

Fig 1.9 Strawberry bingsu

Fig 2.0 Mango bingsu

Fig 2.1 Patbingsu

Fig 2.2 Child boy - back

Fig 2.3 Child girl - back

Fig 2.4 Man - back

Fig 2.5 Man - close-up back

Final Outcome - Video:


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