31/10/2018 (Week 10 - Week14)
Dk Nur Reem Rashah Pg Mohammad Apri (0336605)
Final Project
Lecture 10: Final project briefing
We were briefed on what our final project will be on.
Lecture 11: X
No lecture
Lecture 12: X
No lecture
Lecture 13: X
No lecture
Final Project (Week 11- Week 13)
Our final project will be on Expression, Hierarchy and Composition. We were instructed to create an A3 poster on any social problems that goes around Talyor's University campus. Our poster can consist of minimal graphics. Though, we're limited to use only one colour other than black and white.
Fig 1.0 Sketches
I had several ideas for this project. I had certain ideas for posters that revolve around anti-cyberbullying, encouraging political correctness, creating awareness towards racism/lack of integration with social circles, improving the recycling system on campus and creating awareness towards mental health. Because I had a hard time choosing which specific topic I wanted to do, I decided to try visualising some of my ideas on screen.
Fig 1.1 Idea - Racism/Lack of intergration
Fig 1.2 Idea - Cyberbullying
Fig 1.3 Idea - Political correctness
When I received feedback, I was told that I relied too much on the graohics to convey the message for my draft on lack of intergration. My draft for cyberbullying wasn't formatted nicely in terms of aesthetic. The one that had most potential was my draft on political correctness.
Hence, I decided to do the final project on political correctness. I was inspired by Roseanne Barr's statement; 'Saying "it's just a joke" shouldn't excuse racism' (https://www.iol.co.za/news/opinion/saying-its-just-a-joke-doesnt-excuse-racism-roseanne-15271825). I also decided to choose the colour green for my poster as I was inspired by the fictional charcater, Joker.
Fig 1.4 First attempt on the final project
Fig 1.5 Second attempt on final project
Fig 1.6 Final attempt on final project
Fig 1.8 Final outcome of animated poster design - final project
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